Friday, June 13, 2008

hectic, hectic day

Ok so I haven't been updating my bloggie regularly. Truth is, I don't have anything to blog about and also I lost my mood for blogging =(

My title says it all. My day at school had never been more hectic in my life. At least I can't remember the last time it had been ever hectic for me. I don't think I will bore you with my day though. I'm just feeling very nervous and expectant now. And for the first time in my life, I can't wait for Monday on a Friday. lol. The teachers have been very very mean by not giving us the whole results. I mean, can't they just let us get over with it? It's not fun wondering if I'll get an A and praying very hard I will. And I want so many things right now...I want to pass through the audition (not saying anything about that). I want to get the Chem prize. I want to get selected for the National Science Challenge. I want all A's. I want to live up to my expectations. I want I want. Argh! But now I can only put everything in God's hands.

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